Motorcycle Accidents

Are Motorcycle “Blockers” Legal?

Motorcycle blockers are illegal. The only time a blocker is legal is when a police officer performs the duties.

Motorcycle riders on open road with sunset
Tom Metier

By Tom Metier

2 min read
As riders ourselves, the motorcycle attorneys at Metier Law Firm know organizing a motorcycle ride takes a lot of time and effort. You have to coordinate stopping points, try to get a solid group rate at a hotel and do your best to keep the group together as much as possible. Motorcycle riders are a community, and a group ride is the best symbol of that community.

However, some methods used by motorcycle organizers brush up against the law. To keep the group together in business zones, one rider may act as the “blocker”: he or she blocks oncoming traffic at intersections in order to keep the group together. Some motorists have wondered how legal this practice is. According to Sgt. Daniel Larkin of Loudonville, NY, not very. “It is not legal to block intersections to allow riders to stay together,” he told the Albany Times Union in response to a reader question. He said that while police may occasionally ticket a motorcycle blocker for breaking the law, this does not always happen since the blocker’s actions often result in a safer scenario.

“Sometimes it’s safer to block the road so people don’t get into the middle of a group of motorcyclists,” said Lenny Parker, who teaches a motorcycle safety course. He says that even though blocking is illegal, “sometimes it’s done to be safe. It’s not done to be obnoxious.”

The only time a blocker is legal is when a police officer performs the duties.
What do you think? Are blockers are preventing motorcycle accidents, or are they overstepping their bounds as citizens? Tune in Friday when we answer another frequently asked question about motorcycle law.

If you know someone who experienced injuries or death in a motorcycle accident, feel free to contact us at no charge. Call us at 866-377-3800 or schedule your free consultation with us online at 
The Metier Law Firm, LLC – Motorcyle accident attorneys

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