Personal Injuries

Most Frequently Asked Questions About Personal Injury Claims

Metier Law Firm Car and Truck Attorneys answer some of the most frequently asked questions about personal injury claims, including fees, medical bills and work

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Most Frequently Asked Questions About Personal Injury Claims
Todd Ingram

By Todd Ingram

9 min read
When you're dealing with injuries from an accident, finding the best personal injury lawyer to handle your case can feel overwhelming. At Metier Law Firm Car and Truck Accident Attorneys, our top-rated experienced personal injury attorneys understand you have questions about the legal process. Here are answers to the most common questions we receive about personal injury claims.

How Long Will My Case Take?

The timeline for a personal injury case depends on several key factors. Calendar PagesWorking with the best personal injury lawyers can help navigate these timeframes efficiently while maximizing your compensation.
Pre-litigation claims can sometimes resolve within 1-3 months after medical treatment completion if insurance companies accept liability promptly. However, several factors can extend this timeline:
•    The need to reach maximum medical improvement
•    Insurance company requests for additional documentation
•    Multiple insurance companies disputing liability

If a lawsuit becomes necessary, your personal injury case will take longer to reach a settlement or verdict. This longer timeline accounts for:
•    Court scheduling
•    The discovery process (depositions and evidence gathering)
•    Mandatory mediation attempts
•    Potential trial preparation

Your personal injury attorney at Metier Law Firm Car and Truck Accident Attorneys will balance the need for swift resolution with ensuring you receive full and fair compensation for your injuries. While fast settlements are possible, rushing your personal injury claim could result in inadequate compensation. We'll determine the optimal timing based on your specific circumstances and the full extent of your damages and be completely transparent about what your expectations should be based on your case facts.

Who Is Going To Pay My Medical Bills?

When you're injured in an accident, managing medical bills can feel overwhelming. While you're ultimately responsible for these expenses, your personal injury attorney can help you understand and access various payment options.

Available Payment Sources

Health Insurance 

Your primary health insurance is typically your first resource. Your personal injury lawyer can help navigate coverage issues, claim denials, and benefit Health Insurance Documentscoordination to ensure proper payment of your medical expenses.
Auto Insurance Medical Payments Coverage 
For car accidents, your auto insurance may provide immediate help through:
•    Medical payments (Med-Pay) coverage of $5,000 to $25,000
•    Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage of $5,000 to $25,000
•    Coverage regardless of fault
•    Immediate payment for medical care
•    Protection even as a passenger

At-Fault Party's Insurance Company 

While the responsible party's insurance company will likely provide compensation, understand that:
•    They typically won't pay bills until final settlement
•    Your personal injury case will include all medical expenses
•    Your personal injury attorney will negotiate for full compensation

Medical Provider Liens 

Some healthcare providers may offer treatment on a lien basis:
•    Delayed payment until case settlement
•    Continued treatment without upfront costs
•    Coordination through your personal injury attorney

Managing Current and Future Expenses

The best personal injury lawyers will work to:
•    Identify all available insurance coverage
•    Negotiate with medical providers
•    Document expenses for your claim
•    Include future medical needs in settlement negotiations
•    Work to reduce medical liens when possible

Metier Law Firm Car and Truck Accident Attorneys will coordinate with insurance companies and medical providers to ensure your recovery isn't compromised by financial concerns while we pursue maximum compensation for your personal injury claim.

Can My Employer Terminate Me For Missing Work?

When recovering from injuries, job security is often a major concern. Your personal injury attorney can help protect your employment rights while you focus on healing. Here are some of the key protections available:

Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

If you qualify, FMLA provides:Man holding an Family and Medical Leave Act book
•    Up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave annually
•    Continued health insurance benefits
•    Job protection

Eligibility requires:
•    Employer has 50+ employees
•    1,250+ hours worked in past year
•    One year of employment

For more information, please visit the FMLA website

State Family and Medical Leave Programs

Many states offer state paid Family and Medical Leave.  For example, Colorado, Oregon and Washington State offer paid benefits to qualifying employees.  Most of these programs provide:
•    Up to 12 weeks of paid leave annually for qualifying events
•    Continued health insurance benefits
•    Job protection

Disability Programs

Short-Term Disability

Short-term disability is when you have a temporary medical condition like an injury, sickness, or surgical operations, that prevents you from working for a limited time. While some state programs cover short-term disability, there are insurance policies to cover this, often available through employers. If you have a short-term disability insurance policy, then you will typically get:
•    Partial wage replacement (typically 60-70%)
•    Coverage for 3-6 months
•    Available through many employers

Long-Term Disability

When serious health conditions or injuries result in an extended or permanent inability to work, long-term disability insurance provides crucial financial protection. This coverage, typically available through employers, delivers ongoing income replacement that can span several years. Such extended support becomes essential when medical situations prevent you from returning to work indefinitely. The financial security offered by long-term disability coverage helps protect against the severe economic impact of losing years of income due to prolonged health-related work absences. Long-term disability typically includes:
•    Extended wage replacement
•    Coverage for permanent disabilities
•    Protection for longer recovery periods

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

If your injury results in a permanent disability, the ADA requires:Americans with Disabilities Act Folder
•    Reasonable workplace accommodations
•    Protection against discrimination
•    Applies to employers with 15+ employees

Protecting Your Rights

Your personal injury lawyer will help:
•    Determine which protections apply to you
•    Communicate with your employer
•    Coordinate with medical providers
•    Ensure proper documentation
•    Secure compensation for lost wages

With Metier Law Firm, our top-rated personal injury attorneys understand the importance of protecting both your health and your job while pursuing your personal injury claim. We'll help navigate these complex employment issues while working toward a fair settlement or verdict.

Why Do You Need To Order My Medical Records?

When pursuing a personal injury case, proper medical documentation is crucial for maximizing your compensation. The best personal injury attorneys will want to handle the medical records process directly to ensure the strongest possible claim. Here's why:

Complete Documentation

The best personal injury attorney knows how to obtain:
•    Records from all treating providers
•    Diagnostic tests and imaging results
•    Emergency room and ambulance records
•    Physical therapy documentation
•    Future treatment recommendations
•    Prior medical history when relevant

Professional Requirements

Insurance companies have specific documentation needs:
•    Official, certified copies
•    Properly authenticated medical bills
•    Complete chronological history
•    Records in accepted legal formats
•    Direct provider-to-attorney transmission

Benefits of Attorney-Managed Collection

Having your personal injury attorney handle records provides key advantages:
•    Expertise in identifying relevant documentation
•    Knowledge of insurance company requirements
•    Ability to spot missing or incomplete records
•    Cost-effective bulk ordering processes
•    Reduced stress during your recovery

Our Metier Law Firm Car and Truck Accident Attorneys handle this crucial process efficiently, allowing you to focus on healing while we build the strongest possible personal injury claim for your compensation.

What Sort Of Damages Can I Claim?

In your personal injury case, you have the right to pursue various types of compensation for your losses. An experienced personal injury attorney will help maximize your recovery across several key damage categories:

Economic Damages

These are your measurable financial losses:A Couple Paying Their Bills
•    Current and future medical bills
•    Lost wages and time off work
•    Property damage
•    Rehabilitation costs
•    Prescription medications
•    Travel expenses for medical care

Non-Economic Damages

These damages compensate for personal impacts:
•    Pain and suffering
•    Emotional distress
•    Loss of enjoyment of life
•    Mental anguish
•    Impact on personal relationships

Future Damages

Your personal injury lawyer will also calculate future impacts:
•    Ongoing medical treatment needs
•    Expected surgeries or procedures
•    Lost earning capacity
•    Long-term care requirements
•    Future rehabilitation costs

Our experienced, and professional personal injury attorneys have a vast network of experts we can work with to properly and accurately value your claim. We work with medical experts, economic specialists, and life-care planners to fight for maximum compensation for you. Insurance companies often try to minimize compensation, but we fight to ensure you receive a settlement or verdict that fully covers all your damages, both current and future.

Do I Have To Pay Tax On My Personal Injury Settlement?

Most personal injury settlements are non-taxable, but there are important exceptions:
•    Pain and suffering compensation is generally not taxed
•    Medical expense reimbursement is usually not taxed
•    Lost wage compensation is typically taxable
•    Interest on a judgment is taxable

Each settlement is different and may not follow these general rules. For that reason, our experienced personal injury attorneys recommend most settlements be reviewed by a tax specialist to ensure the tax rules are being followed.

What Is A Contingent Fee Agreement?

A contingent fee agreement makes quality legal representation accessible by allowing you to pursue a personal injury claim without upfront costs. Your personal injury lawyer works on a "no win, no fee" basis, meaning attorney fees are paid only if we secure compensation through a settlement or verdict.

How It Works

•    No upfront attorney fees requiredGavel and Money
•    Fees are a percentage of your recovery
•    Percentages are clearly outlined at start
•    Most personal injury cases use this structure

What's Included

The agreement typically covers:
•    Attorney work hours and expertise
•    Legal research and case preparation
•    Settlement negotiations
•    Court appearances

Separate case costs may include:

•    Medical record collection
•    Court filing fees
•    Expert witness fees

The best personal injury attorneys will be transparent and upfront about all costs that you may need to cover. Communication with your injury lawyer is always key when it comes to financial questions. 

At Metier Law Firm Car and Truck Accident Attorneys, our team of  injury attorneys will make sure you understand all aspects of the fee agreement during your free consultation. This allows you to focus on recovery while we pursue maximum compensation for your personal injury case.

How Much Work Is A Personal Injury Case?

While your personal injury lawyer handles most of the complex legal work, you'll need to:
•    Communicate regularly about your medical treatment
•    Provide requested information and documentation
•    Participate in settlement negotiations
•    Attend depositions if required
•    Testify at trial if necessary


Our team will handle the heavy lifting so you can focus on your recovery. Our experienced firm works diligently to navigate insurance companies, build strong cases, and achieve the best possible outcomes for our clients.
Need help with your personal injury claim? Contact Metier Law Firm Car and Truck Accident Attorneys today for a free consultation with one of our dedicated personal injury attorneys. Call us at 866-377-3800 or schedule your free consultation online at

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