Colorado Truck Accident Lawyer

Over 40 Years Taking on Truck Accident Cases Across the Centennial State.

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Reliable Colorado Truck Accident Attorneys

Semi truck driving on a road along a vast landscape

Truck accidents in Colorado can be violent and devastating - even the safest cars weren't designed to withstand the impact forces of an 80,000lbs tractor trailer. According to the NHTSA, 71% of the people killed in large truck-involved accidents in 2020 were the occupants of the other vehicle.

Even if a truck crash doesn’t end in fatality, the injuries are almost always life-altering. While many people call them "accidents,” almost all truck crashes can be avoided by following federal and Colorado motor carrier safety standards. Trucks transporting cargo South along I-25 face harsh winds capable of flipping them onto unsuspecting passenger vehicles, while trucks on I-70 face terrifying climbs and deadly descents throughout the mountains that too often result in fiery crashes.

If you’ve been involved in a semi-truck accident, hiring an experienced Colorado truck accident lawyer before speaking with anybody from the trucking company or their insurance carrier is imperative.

In Colorado, when you're injured in a trucking accident involving big rigs or tractor trailers, having a Colorado truck accident lawyer by your side is essential. Our team, including experienced truck accident lawyers in Denver, CO, as well as truck accident lawyers in Colorado Springs and Fort Collins truck accident lawyers, specializes in handling commercial trucking accident cases.

We understand the complexities these cases entail and the daunting task of facing large trucking companies. Our primary goal is to ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve. Whether you're dealing with severe injuries, financial burdens, or emotional trauma, our skilled attorneys are adept at navigating the legal intricacies to advocate for your rights.

Trust us to provide the dedicated support and representation needed to secure a favorable outcome in your truck accident claim.

Metier Law Firm has four decades of history in Colorado advocating for injury victims and their families and have secured millions in settlements and verdicts for our clients in the process. So, if you’re looking for a trustworthy Colorado truck accident attorney to come to your aid, contact our office for a free consultation. No cost to you unless we win.

Colorado Truck Accident Lawyer Near Me

(866) 377-3800

Common Causes of Colorado Semi-Truck Accidents

The reasons as to why a commercial truck accident occurs in Colorado can be varied, and often many are in play simultaneously, but our state itself creates certain conditions that make truck wrecks more likely.

From high winds on the Front Range to blizzards along the Continental Divide, weather plays a big role in many of these accidents involving tractor trailers, but experienced Colorado truck drivers know how to compensate for unfavorable conditions and drive safely.

While many things cause trucking accidents, some of the most common causes of trucking accidents are due to negligence.

The unfortunate truth is that most causes of commercial vehicle and big truck accidents that take place in Colorado are preventable. Careless or reckless driving on the part of the commercial driver and the negligence of the trucking company are the biggest factors that contribute to collisions with other motor vehicles.

Some examples of the most common causes of Colorado trucking accidents include: 

  • Driving Too Fast for the Conditions
  • Distracted Driving
  • Truck Driver Fatigue
  • Failure to Check Blind Spots
  • Improper Maintenance/Mechanical Failure

If any of the above were the direct cause of your Colorado semi-truck wreck, you may be entitled to be reimbursed by the responsible party for any expenses related to your injuries.

To file an accident claim, it is advisable to seek out the advice and representation of a seasoned Colorado truck wreck lawyer, like the ones at Metier Law Firm. Contact us, and let The Lawyer of the West help you through your oversized vehicle accident case.

What to Do After You’ve Been in a Colorado Truck Accident

It may be hard to do, but if you are in a wreck with a large truck in Colorado, taking the following steps can greatly increase the chances of a successful settlement or judgment in your favor down the line. After such an accident, and after ensuring that you are out of the way of further harm or injury, the best things you can do are as follows:

Call the police and emergency medical services.

Exchange information with the semi-truck driver and any witnesses.

Take photos of the damages, your injuries, and the scene.

Preserve any evidence from the accident, including your clothes and shoes.

Schedule a medical examination.

Don’t talk to anyone about your case until you’ve contacted an experienced commercial truck accident attorney.

Truck turned on its side

A collision with an 18-wheeler is a frightening and disorienting experience. Afterward, it is often difficult for victims to think calmly and rationally, and it is unlikely they will be thinking about what they can do to help their future personal injury claim.

At Metier Law Firm, we have helped big truck accident victims all over Colorado, and we can help you, too. Together, we can hold the driver and the company they work for accountable for their recklessness. Call our dedicated legal professionals today for your complimentary case consultation.

Click to contact our Colorado Truck Accident Lawyers today

(866) 377-3800

Who is Liable for My Colorado 18-Wheeler Accident?

Colorado truck crashes can be complicated to determine not only what happened, but who was at fault. Colorado practices what is known as modified comparative negligence, which only allows a truck wreck victim to collect damages if it can be proven that they share less than half of the blame for causing the collision in the first place.

For example, if you are involved in an accident with a dump truck in Denver, but a court decides that you were 51% responsible because you cut them off, you cannot collect any reimbursement for your injuries. This is why determining liability is so important in truck accident claims.

Colorado law requires trucking companies operating in the state to carry liability insurance, so more often than not it is the organization’s insurance company that victims and their lawyers deal with, not that of the driver. These insurers are usually quite reluctant to pay out fair settlements, so having a personal injury attorney who has seen their tactics before, like the ones at Metier Law Firm have, is extremely helpful toward receiving the compensation you deserve.

Colorado Truck Accident Lawyer Near Me

(866) 377-3800

Call Our Colorado Truck Accident Injury Attorneys Today

Gavel resting across a sound block along with symbolic court weighing scale
As the economy booms in our great state, the number of large trucks on our roads and highways is only going to increase, and with that comes a higher danger of being involved in a collision with one of these massive vehicles. Especially when truckers drive recklessly, even the most careful drivers sometimes find themselves caught in difficult situations on the highway, and Colorado truck wrecks are often the end result.

Since 1986, Metier Law Firm has been standing with the victims of big rig, tractor-trailer, and semi-truck accidents throughout Colorado, and standing up to negligent trucking companies and their insurers. If you or a family member is hurt or killed in a collision with a big commercial truck, we will put our decades of experience into practice to get you the maximum compensation for your injuries.

Our lawyers of the West operate as knowledgeable truck accident attorneys in Colorado, Washington, Oregon, Nebraska, and Wyoming- wherever you are, you can give us a call.

Call us toll-free at (866) 377-3800, or visit one of our offices in Fort Collins, Denver, or Colorado Springs to speak with our compassionate legal team about your Colorado truck accident and how we can help.

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Top Reasons to Choose Metier Law Firm

Goliath’s might with David’s size

Financial advantages of a large firm with the close, personal client relationship of a small firm

We’re the lawyers other lawyers hire

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100% Personal Injury

We don’t practice any other law and dedicate our time entirely to helping personal injury victims

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