Car Accidents

How to Prove If Another Driver Was Speeding in an Accident

The car crash attorneys at Metier Law Firm show how to prove speeding negligence and how to take action.

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Blurry Vision Car Accident
Tom Metier

By Tom Metier

2 min read
According to car accident statistics at the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, one third of the traffic fatalities on the road are speed related. There are almost as many speeding related deaths as alcohol related deaths on the road.

Our car accident lawyers at Metier Law Firm know that in all auto accidents, the most important part in determining liability for damages is determining which driver was the most negligent. Whichever driver made the most error will have to pay more in damages. In the event of a car crash, you may notice that the driver was on their cell phone or they were speeding.

The driver of the other vehicle may not acknowledge that they were doing this to save themselves from being considered liable for the damages. You may be asking “how do I prove if the driver was speeding?” There are experts who can prove these things for your case and having the right car crash injury attorneys who work with these experts can be very helpful in these situations. 

Who Can Prove That the Other Driver Was Speeding?

  • You: Take pictures of the damage as soon as possible. Having evidence right from the scene can help attorneys and insurers figure out what happened. A certain amount of damage could prove that the other driver was speeding.
  • Police: Calling the police to make an accident report can improve the validity of your case, especially if it is taken to court.
  • Witnesses: Any witnesses that saw the accident can help your case by telling police or attorneys what they saw. There is strength in numbers in a serious accident case.
  • Speed reconstruction experts: Car accident attorneys have access to accident reconstruction experts who can prove that negligent speeding was involved in your accident through damage research and calculations.
This is just the tip of the iceberg of information you should know when it comes to handling a case where the negligent party was speeding and caused a car accident, injuring you and others. Hiring the right personal injury lawyers with deep experience with car crashes, reconstructions and collecting evidence is key. 

If you or a loved one has been injured by someone who was driving recklessly and negligent with speed, then contact our highly experienced car crash attorneys at Metier Law Firm at (866) 377-3800 or visit us online at to get your confidential and free consulation today. 

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