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Metier Law Firm, LLC is proud to provide SafeRider® accident investigation and legal services for our clients.
There are few more beautiful places to take a ride than Colorado. Our breathtaking mountain views and the serpentine roads that get you there are world-renowned among motorcycle enthusiasts.
Unfortunately, enjoying our great state on two wheels comes with its own set of dangers and challenges.
According to the Colorado Department of Transportation, 149 motorcycle riders died in traffic accidents in 2022. This makes up nearly 20% of the total Colorado motor vehicle fatalities that year. This was 22 more than the previous year, and recent numbers show a general increase in fatal motorcycle accidents over the last decade.
While you cruise through Colorado, it’s important to be prepared for the unexpected. Accidents happen, even to the most cautious drivers. That’s where Metier Law Firm comes in.
Our team of Colorado motorcycle accident lawyers is made up of experienced attorneys, Colorado residents, and motorcycle enthusiasts. We all have firsthand knowledge of how to pursue this type of personal injury case.
(866) 377-3800
Whatever the cause, a quality Colorado motorcycle accident attorney can help you put the pieces back together after a crash. Call Metier Law Firm today to talk to our dedicated team. We’ve been there for the victims of motorcycle wrecks across the state, and if you need us, we’ll be there for you, too.
Speeding (by the rider or other drivers)
Failure to follow traffic regulations
Poor road conditions/ weather
Improper maintenance
Head injuries are the leading cause of death in motorcycle accidents. The NHTSA estimates that wearing a helmet while riding a motorcycle can make it 37% more likely you will survive an accident. You are also 3 times as likely to suffer a serious brain injury by not donning the appropriate headgear, so it seems like the logical choice.
Many states have passed legislation requiring the use of motorcycle helmets by all operators and passengers, but Colorado is not one of them. The law requires helmets for people under 18, and all riders must wear protective eyewear. However, a properly licensed adult is not required to wear a helmet in this state.
It is in your best interest to wear a DOT-approved helmet any time you hop on your bike. Colorado's unpredictable weather and the constant risk of distracted drivers can turn any ride into a dangerous situation.
If you are the victim of a motorcycle accident while riding, Metier Law Firm has your back. Call us today for a free consultation about your case and how we can help.
Among the different types of traffic accidents, motorcycle accidents can lead to some of the most devastating injuries out there. From road rash to a fractured spine from a high-speed collision, the trauma that results from a motorcycle crash is rarely minor.
Some of the most common types of injury sustained in Colorado motorcycle accidents are:
Lacerations like road rash
Broken bones
Internal bleeding
Head injuries
Traumatic Brain Injury
Spinal cord injuries
If you or someone you love has suffered any of these injuries from their motorcycle wreck, call the Colorado personal injury lawyers at Metier Law Firm. We will hear your account of the accident, apply our years of experience to your case, and provide you with an evaluation at no cost to you. Contact us today, and we’ll get started to work right away.
Colorado law does not require you to have a lawyer represent you in order to file a personal injury claim for a motorcycle accident, but it is a good idea in most cases.
If the facts are clear and the damages minor, it may be feasible to reach a settlement or receive a favorable judgment on your own. However, since motorcycle injuries tend to be more severe, hiring a knowledgeable personal injury attorney is important. We can help you get the compensation you deserve.
Laws concerning the operation of a motorcycle can vary widely from state to state, and not every lawyer has the same skills. This makes it very important to find a motorcycle accident law firm that has seen these types of claims before. A motorcycle accident is different than a car accident or truck accident, and it requires a different approach to successfully file a claim.
The Colorado personal injury attorneys on the Metier team have experience with motorcycle accident claims and a passion for fighting for their client's rights. We know how much such an experience can change your life, and we want to make it easier for any injured person to put it all back together.
Call us at (866)-377-3800, and let us put our knowledge and experience to good use. As your local motorcycle accident lawyers in CO, we’re here to help you receive compensation for your injuries.
As one of the premier personal injury law firms in Colorado, Metier Law Firm knows motorcycles, riders, and the laws in place to keep them safe. When someone is injured due to the reckless behavior of another driver, we are there to hold them accountable and get the victim the restitution they need to heal.
Founded in Fort Collins in 1986, our team of relentless personal injury lawyers has dealt with all sorts of motorcycle accidents across the state. We have a proven track record of success when negotiating with insurance companies and arguing in court on behalf of motorcycle accident victims.
Our ties to the Colorado motorcycle community are strong, and we are committed to assisting anyone who has been the victim of an avoidable wreck on our scenic roads and highways. You deserve restitution for your bills and your pain and suffering.
Give us a call, fill out our online case evaluation form, or visit one of our Colorado offices to tell us what happened and to see what we can do together.
(866) 377-3800
Accidente de moto
Accidente de moto
$1.1 million
Motorcycle Accident
$1.1 million
Accidente de moto
Many motorcycle accident claims are brought by riders who were injured in single-bike accidents. Some of these accidents are due to defective parts and hardware, and an experienced product liability attorney can help you understand why the crash occurred and how to attribute liability to the responsible party. In other cases, accidents are often caused by hazardous road conditions.
These conditions include, but are not limited to:
Far too many injured riders receive little or no compensation because they are unable to identify what caused their accident after it occurred. No matter what contributed to your accident, it is important to contact an experienced motorcycle injury attorney as soon as possible so that they can begin investigating the cause of the accident.
At Metier Law Firm, we have access to premier investigative resources that have helped our clients recover hundreds of millions in settlements and verdicts.
We recommend contacting an attorney in your home state as soon as possible to discuss your options.
In some cases, a motorcycle injury attorney in your home state may be licensed to practice in other states as well. Even if an attorney in your home state is not licensed to practice in the state in which you were injured, they may be able to refer you to skilled motorcycle accident attorneys in that state.
In either case, contacting an attorney in your home state provides you with easy-to-access guidance as you pursue compensation for your injuries.
The damages involved in a personal injury case typically include economic and non-economic damages.
Economic damages are easily calculable such as:
Non-economic damages are losses or burdens incurred by the accident that are not as easily calculated, such as:
Such as:
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If these questions have crossed your mind, let us help. You may need a little direction or may not need an attorney at all, but you deserve to be confident knowing your options. We can provide you with information about our Attorneys of the West® accident investigations and legal services. Your confidential consultation with us is totally free.
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