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Oregon Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer

skull xray
Oregon is home to many different types of terrain, including large valleys, mountainous regions, high elevation desert plateaus, redwood forests, and dense evergreen forests. Tourists come from all over the world to see Oregon’s breathtaking scenery. Unfortunately, the influx of tourists creates more accidents. Due to the steep elevation throughout the centennial state roadways, Oregon car accidents and truck accidents often lead to traumatic brain injuries (TBI) for survivors.

Traumatic brain injuries affect about 2.8 million people and result in over 64,000 deaths yearly. TBIs are often the result of carelessness and are very common.

What is a Traumatic Brain Injury?

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is an injury that affects how the brain works. TBI effects can be long or short-term and can cause both emotional and physical trauma. These injuries can drastically impact the quality of life of a victim and their family.

Possible Symptoms of Oregon Traumatic Brain Injuries

  • Physical effects - difficulty swallowing, physical paralysis or spasticity, chronic pain, etc.
  • Cognitive Effects - trouble concentrating, memory loss, slow processing speed, confusion, etc.
  • Speech and Language Effects - problems talking, reading, writing, slurred speech, etc.
  • Sensory and Percptual Effects - trouble discerning/using information from the 5 senses, etc.
  • Social -emotional or behavioral effects - fluctuating emotions, lack of motivation, irritability, aggression, depression, etc.

Important: Visit a Healthcare Professional in Oregon

It’s essential to see a healthcare professional as soon as possible if you experience a blow or jolt to the head. Not all traumatic brain injury symptoms are immediately noticeable, some take months to recognize.

Delaying treatment can hurt your case or make it harder to get the compensation you deserve. Whether your TBI symptoms are mild or severe, treatment can be expensive. So don’t delay; find the help you need to heal.

Visiting a healthcare specialist can provide invaluable information for your Oregon traumatic brain injury lawyer and help them build a more compelling case. A healthcare provider can help track your injuries and estimate the type of ongoing medical care and costs you will experience.

Why Do Traumatic Brain Injuries Happen in Oregon?

Thanks to destinations like the Crater Lake National Park, Mount Hood, Multnomah Falls, and the many other sights Oregon offers, the state sees a lot of tourists each year. Couple those tourists with the cold winters and occasional snowfall, and you have the perfect storm for accidents.

Main Reasons for Traumatic Brain Injuries in Oregon:

Possible Compensation for Traumatic Brain Injury in Oregon

Traumatic brain injury victims can suffer from short and long-term physical, emotional, and financial damages. By consulting an Oregon traumatic brain injury attorney, you can collect physical and nonphysical damages to aid your recovery. Some damages you may be compensated for are:.

  • Lost income and earning potential
  • Various out-of-pocket expenses
  • Mental health treatment
  • Loss of quality of life
  • Loss of companionship
  • Pain and suffering
  • Physical impairment
  • Short and long-term medical bills
Traumatic Brain Injury

If someone you loved lost their life because of a traumatic brain injury, our Oregon traumatic brain injury lawyers can help you file a wrongful death claim.

What Will an Oregon Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer Do for Me?

A typical personal injury law firm will handle almost every aspect of filing your claim. Generally, this means they will compile the evidence, build a case, negotiate a settlement with the insurance company, or represent you in a court of law if necessary. The knowledgeable Traumatic Brain Injury attorneys at Metier Law Firm will do all that for you and more.

We believe our clients who have suffered a traumatic brain injury deserve more than a lawyer to represent them. They need someone to listen to them, guide them, and be there for them in their time of need. Call our office in Portland to talk with our caring legal team today.

Compassionate Oregon Traumatic Brain Injury Attorneys

For more than 30 years, our dedicated team of Oregon personal injury lawyers has been standing by traumatic brain injury victims and their families, from Portland to Ontario and everywhere in between.

When you call us, we will listen to your story and apply our decades of experience, evaluating the evidence and providing you with a free case consultation. If we are able to help, our legal team will get started preparing a solid case for your traumatic brain injury accident claim.

Image of the Metier Law Firm team. | Metier Law Firm

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Do I have a Case?

How Much Should I Be Offered?

Do I Need an Attorney?

If these questions have crossed your mind, let us help. You may need a little direction or may not need an attorney at all, but you deserve to be confident knowing your options.  We can provide you with information about our Attorneys of the West® accident investigations and legal services. Your confidential consultation with us is totally free.

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