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Portland Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Metier Law Firm offers SafeRider™ accident investigation and legal services

There’s nothing quite like riding up the 101 or through the lush forests surrounding Portland. Astoria and Salem are motorcycle destinations for many riders in Portland. As liberating as a motorcycle ride can be, it requires a high amount of focus and skill on all types of terrain.

Riders need to have a heightened awareness for vehicles around them along with the surface of the road and quickly changing weather conditions. Most passenger vehicle drivers aren’t looking for motorcycles, and many drivers don’t even see motorcycles until they feel the impact.

City Scape Metier Portland

Because motorcycles lack safety cages and frames, the injuries suffered in these collisions are often devastating and a Portland motorcycle accident attorney is needed.

Our Portland Motorcycle Accident Lawyers Often See Serious Injury

According to the NHTSA, in 2019 motorcyclists were 4 times more likely to be injured than those riding or driving other types of vehicles and over 25 times more likely to die in an accident.

A motorcycle rider’s protection comes from the equipment they wear, but even with the best equipment, injuries can be severe and have long-lasting effects. This is where our Portland motorcycle accident attorneys help using the Saferider accident investigation and legal services. We’re also motorcycle riders and know the freedom a motorcycle can bring and will fight to get that freedom back for you.

Hire a Portland motorcycle accident lawyer with Metier Law Firm today that has the experience, knowledge and resources to maximize your compensation.

What To Do After a Portland Motorcycle Accident

Motorcycle crashes are terrifying, especially if you have been severely injured. Most riders won’t be able to think clearly, while others may not even be ambulatory. After any traumatic event, people can make mistakes remembering events or experience mild confusion from the prescription medications –any statement made to the insurance adjuster, even innocent reflexive statements, can hurt an injured rider’s claim and prevent them from recovering the highest compensation owed.

The best things you can do after an accident are to:

  • Get to a safe place away from traffic.
  • Take photos and video of the scene and of your injuries.
  • Get medical attention at the hospital and from your primary care doctor.
  • Save everything you had on you and keep it all somewhere safe.
  • Make sure an official report has been filed.
  • Preserve all documentation, bills, receipts, etc.
  • Contact an experienced Portland motorcycle accident injury lawyer as soon as possible.

How Long Do I Have to File a Claim for My Motorcycle Accident?

Oregon limits the amount of time an injured motorcyclist has to file a lawsuit following a motorcycle accident. In most cases, this time limit (known as the statute of limitations) is 2 years.

If you fail to file your lawsuit within the 2-year statute of limitations, you will not be able to file a lawsuit on the accident.

The statute of limitations for a wrongful death case in Oregon is three years from the date of the incident that ultimately ended up causing death (ORS 30.020).

Note that if a person is hospitalized for a time before dying, the statute of limitations begins on the date of the injury, not on the date of death. Also note that this time limit changes if alcohol or a public body are involved.

Moto In Traffic

Common Motorcycle Injuries in Portland

Motorcycle accidents occur frequently on roads and highways and often lead to serious injuries or death. Automobile drivers often cause a large number of motorcycle crashes because they look for other automobiles and fail to notice bikers on the road. Victims of motorcycle accidents often suffer injuries that are far more severe than those sustained in car accidents. Common injuries our Portland Motorcycle Accident Attorneys see from bike crashes include

  • Fractured / Broken Bones
  • Injuries to head & neck
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Paralysis
  • Skin abrasions
  • Cognitive problems
  • Organ damages
  • In the worst cases, wrongful death results.

Can I File a Claim if I Wasn’t Wearing a Helmet?

Helmets save lives and the state of Oregon requires all motorcycle riders to wear a DOT approved helmet. If a motorcycle rider is injured in an accident caused by another driver’s actions, but wasn’t wearing a helmet at the time of the crash, they can still recover compensation for their losses and damages

We Have a Deal

However, there are circumstances where compensation may be reduced due to a helmet not being worn.

Failing to wear a helmet does not cause an accident. Even though a motorcycle rider may not have been wearing a helmet at the time of the accident, injuries sustained from the crash would not have occurred, if the at-fault driver hadn’t caused the crash.

Motorcycle helmets save lives, but do not prevent all types of injuries – even head injuries.

For injuries like broken bones or road rash that a helmet wouldn’t have prevented, the non-use of a helmet will likely not matter. However, a judge or jury could find that a helmet may have prevented a person’s head injury had they been wearing one. In this circumstance, the total compensation a person receives may be reduced, but they likely would not prevent them from recovering compensation at all.

Lawyers of the West®: Where Can I Find a Trustworthy Motorcycle Accident Attorney in Portland?

If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident in Oregon, contact a Portland motorcycle accident attorney right away. The negotiation process after a motorcycle accident can be overwhelming. It can be even more distressing when you are paying for expensive medical treatments and recovering from the severe injuries or your family is coping with the loss of a loved one.

While you focus on recovering from your injuries, the Portland Motorcycle Accident Attorneys with Metier Law Firm will:

Metier Portland Team
  • Ensure your potential lawsuit is filed on time
  • Create your initial request for settlement offer letter
  • Receive and review each settlement offer made to you
  • Explain the pros and cons of each offer made to you
  • Protect you from speedy or lowball settlement offers

We won’t accept or reject any offers - you will make the final decision to accept or reject a settlement offer. Your Portland Motorcycle Accident Attorney will ensure you have the information needed to make a well-informed decision. Metier Law Firm’s goal is to fight for the best possible outcome for your case.

Please contact us to learn about our Lawyers of the West® accident investigations and legal services if you are injured in any of the following states:

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Free Consultation

Do I have a Case?

How Much Should I Be Offered?

Do I Need an Attorney?

If these questions have crossed your mind, let us help. You may need a little direction or may not need an attorney at all, but you deserve to be confident knowing your options.  We can provide you with information about our Attorneys of the West® accident investigations and legal services. Your confidential consultation with us is totally free.

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